Nothing fancy here, this chart of the Bitcoin Trust is the GBTC, and it has some interesting attributes. While the price seems to have found a range the oscillators are showing some positives, the OBV and a trend line in the AD which would constitute a buy signal of sorts if it is broken to … Continue reading BITCOIN

Crude Oil

This is one of those charts that has the whole world in its hands. A break below the lower trend line implies sub $30 oil, and that sounds a lot like zero interest rates and a global recession or depression. As it often the case Wall St economists cheer this initially, low prices in energy mean … Continue reading Crude Oil

2025 Forecast (with commentary) Here is a repost of the text, (magenta font) the commentary is dated, from 2014, but the statistics are from 2017. The Ebola crisis (like so many others) has passed? There might be some ideas in here. There have been many questions about the countries forecast specially the one focusing on the United States … Continue reading 2025 Forecast (with commentary)